True love is better than a fairy tale and marriage really is worth all the time, energy and prayer put into it. Just ask today's guests Dr. and Mrs. Bill and Sandy Hammond whose love story has spanned more than six decades already and who attribute that love to their deep faith. Through trials and difficulties, their love for one another remains firmly intact and their love for the Lord even deeper. Enjoy this heartwarming love story that reminds us that marriage is truly worth all the love it takes and be encouraged that yours, too, can last the lifetime you pledged on your wedding day. |
Together for Heaven: Super Couple Shares Wisdom of Six Decades Loving Each Other to Eternity5/8/2020
5/12/2020 20:02:57
I'm a Hammond---Wild Bill & Even Wilder Aunt Sandy are my husband's uncle/aunt & God Parents!!!!
Christine M Bacon
5/13/2020 18:25:36
You are one blessed family then. They truly are a special couple.
Debbie Hammond
5/12/2020 22:41:00
I married into the Hammond familyafamily have been blessed to have them in my life. What a beautiful testament to live and marriage. Thank you!!
Christine M Bacon
5/13/2020 18:26:59
That's why I wanted them on the air. They ARE a testament to the vocation of marriage. They show us all that a marriage is worth fighting for. Theirs is beautiful to behold.
Marie Lee
5/13/2020 09:48:52
My Aunt Sandy and Uncle Billy are amazing in my life! It is no surprise to me that they are honored in this way today! They are a true testament of God presence in their lives and the Great Love for each other! They are wonderful role models for is all! Congratulations on the recognition of life long Love and commitment to God and marriage!
Christine M Bacon
5/13/2020 18:27:46
I'm blessed that they are in MY family too. I just wish I could see them more often.
Betsy Polakowski
5/14/2020 07:41:14
Uncle Bill and Aunt Sandy have been pillars of faith in our extended family. They also have extended love and hospitality to others throughout the years. I have happy memories of many Thanksgiving dinners at their house where they shared their family, food, and hearts with me and others who weren’t able to travel home for the holiday. They live their lives as the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, excited by their faith and ready to invite others to share a meal and become community together. They put their love into action and encourage others on that road to heaven as well as each other.
Dr. Christine Bacon
5/16/2020 18:03:50
Thank you for sharing that story, Betsy. These are exactly the reasons I wanted them on the show. They are the hands and feet of Christ in one unified body. Hopefully, when they get to heaven, the Lord will show them all the families they blessed i their lifetimes and place many jewels in their crowns because of it.
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HostChristine Bacon, Ph.D., is a leading expert in communications and relationships. She hosted "Breakfast with Bacon: The Relationship Doctor" weekly on 1110 AM, WKQA radio in Va., N.C. and Md. for 11 years. In March 2022, having provided decades' worth of valuable, popular talk radio to its vast and loyal audiences, WKQA closed its doors. Dr. Bacon is forever grateful to the amazing Larry and Paula Cobb and Andy Booth at WKQA, and she continues her show online, appearing weekly right here!
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