Addicted at age fifteen, and on crack cocaine soon thereafter, for the next two decades he struggled to get or remain sober...until he entered Faith Recovery. Now sober for more than twenty years, Travis Hall has gone from patient to executive director of the organization that he credits with saving his life and healing his family. Listen in and hear his powerful testimony and learn how he is now proactive in saving the lives of others caught in the snare of addiction. If you or someone you know has been trying to escape addiction to no avail, this is the show for you. It may be exactly what's needed to save a life. |
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A Conversation on Truth and Love: Engaging the Dialogue on Progress, Holiness and Other Deep Stuff7/20/2018
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HostChristine Bacon, Ph.D., is a leading expert in communications and relationships. She hosted "Breakfast with Bacon: The Relationship Doctor" weekly on 1110 AM, WKQA radio in Va., N.C. and Md. for 11 years. In March 2022, having provided decades' worth of valuable, popular talk radio to its vast and loyal audiences, WKQA closed its doors. Dr. Bacon is forever grateful to the amazing Larry and Paula Cobb and Andy Booth at WKQA, and she continues her show online, appearing weekly right here!
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