When we marry we all want the fairy tale but all fairy tales must come to an end. When we pledge at the altar "until death do we part" we never know who will be the one parting and who will be the one left behind. Widowhood isn't easy but to avoid the pain would have meant missing out on a lifetime of love, memories and lessons learned from the one whose flesh eventually became your own. Listen in to this beautiful testament to marriage by three individuals who loved until the end...and would do it all over again. |
The Life of Widowhood: Living in the "Death Do Us Part" and Honoring the One Who is Gone.10/30/2020
Age of Viability: Her Twins Were Left to Die. Now She's Fighting to Save the Lives of Others9/15/2020 Watch live at 1:00 p.m. EST Thursday, September 24th
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Lura Parker: Testimony of a Centenarian (and Lots of Great Wisdom) for a World Desperately in Need.4/17/2020
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HostChristine Bacon, Ph.D., is a leading expert in communications and relationships. She hosted "Breakfast with Bacon: The Relationship Doctor" weekly on 1110 AM, WKQA radio in Va., N.C. and Md. for 11 years. In March 2022, having provided decades' worth of valuable, popular talk radio to its vast and loyal audiences, WKQA closed its doors. Dr. Bacon is forever grateful to the amazing Larry and Paula Cobb and Andy Booth at WKQA, and she continues her show online, appearing weekly right here!
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