When a Christian sex therapist comes into the studio the listeners' ears perk up. Dr. Jessica McCleese has returned to the Breakfast with Bacon show to tell about the new webinar she and Dr. Christine Bacon have teamed up to do that combines their mutual love of helping couples navigate the issues that arise between relationships, communication and sex. This is one show (and webinar) you will NOT want to miss! Share this broadcast with all the married couples in your life who want to get their relationships to super! |
Seven Pro-Abortion Arguments that Work for Divorce, Too: Fighting Evil by Focusing on Truth5/7/2021
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Sorority Girls Really CAN Change the World, and Motivational Speaker Katie Bulmer Teaches Them How!3/12/2021
Witnesses to Love Founders Saving Marriages through Mentorship, Mercy and a Whole lot of Jesus!1/15/2021
The Life of Widowhood: Living in the "Death Do Us Part" and Honoring the One Who is Gone.10/30/2020
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HostChristine Bacon, Ph.D., is a leading expert in communications and relationships. She hosted "Breakfast with Bacon: The Relationship Doctor" weekly on 1110 AM, WKQA radio in Va., N.C. and Md. for 11 years. In March 2022, having provided decades' worth of valuable, popular talk radio to its vast and loyal audiences, WKQA closed its doors. Dr. Bacon is forever grateful to the amazing Larry and Paula Cobb and Andy Booth at WKQA, and she continues her show online, appearing weekly right here!
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